Anthony and Hope MacFarland will reopen the Chill Grill, 100 North Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barr, this month.
                                 Bill O’Boyle | Times Leader

Chill Grill restaurant to reopen this month in Wilkes-Barre

WILKES-BARRE — Hope MacFarland this week said her recipe for wing sauce is “the best.”

Customers will be able to find out for sure this month when Hope and her husband, Anthony, reopen the Chill Grill on North Pennsylvania Avenue.

The MacFarlands said they are looking to hold a “soft opening” on Dec. 12, and to be fully open for business on Dec. 20.

The couple moved from New York City to Berwick six years ago. Anthony said he also owns an internet technology company.

“We are excited to be opening the Chill Grill,” MacFarland said. “We feel this is an under-serviced area for food.”

MacFarland said he and his wife wanted to move to a bigger town. He said Hope has always worked in the food service industry and she will handle the day-to-day operations of the Chill Grill.

“This is a really nice town,” MacFarland said. “Now is the right time for us to open this business.”

Hope said she intends to change some of the old Chill Grill menu. She said she will add quiche and sandwiches and wings with her special sauce, plus various soups.

“We want to offer what our customers want,” she said. “We will ask them if they would like any particular items added to the menu.”

The Chill Grill restaurant downtown closed its doors in July after 17 years in business.

A sign on the door said this:

“It is with great sadness that we announce the closing of the Chill Grill effective July 11, 2022. Due to circumstance beyond our control we are unable to provide the high quality of service & food that we have been known for the past 17 years. We are extremely grateful & humbled that so many of you embraced our restaurant & became not only customers, but also our friends.” the sign said.

Mary Ellen Higdon, a former nurse, opened the Chill Grill in 2005. Like many small businesses, the restaurant struggled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, even shutting down temporarily.

MacFarland said they are interviewing candidates to work at the restaurant.