Lindsay Griffin-Boylan, President/CEO of the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, opens Mondays first ‘Public Policy Power Hour’ at the THINK Center. The event was moderated by Carmen Magistro of M&T Bank, and Romilda Crocamo, Luzerne County Manager, was the featured speaker.
                                 Bill O’Boyle | Times Leader

County Manager Crocamo speaks at Chamber’s first ‘Public Power Policy Hour’

WILKES-BARRE — Before Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo delivered her remarks at the first gathering of the Greater Wyoming Valley’s Chamber’s “Public Power Policy Hour,” she made one thing very clear.

“I love my job,” Crocamo said to a large group gathered at the THINK Center. “And yes, I am a cheerleader for all things Luzerne County. We deserve the best.”

Crocamo then proceeded to deliver a fairly detailed presentation of what her job is and how she does it — providing an update on the health of Luzerne County and highlighting the collective efforts and achievements in advancing the well-being of residents and the prosperity of the region.

“First and foremost, I am proud to announce the successful completion and ongoing progress of various projects aimed at enhancing our infrastructure, improving public amenities, and fostering economic development,” Crocamo said. “These projects not only symbolize our commitment to progress, but also demonstrate our dedication to creating a thriving and sustainable community for generations to come.”

Crocamo said in line with her vision for a more efficient and effective government, the county has undertaken significant initiatives to streamline county operations.

“By optimizing processes, eliminating redundancies and embracing innovative technologies, we are enhancing the delivery of essential services while maximizing cost savings for the benefit of our taxpayers,” Crocamo said.

And speaking of cost savings, Crocamo said she was pleased to report that diligent efforts have yielded positive results in fiscal responsibility.

“Through prudent financial management and strategic budgeting, we have been able to identify opportunities for savings without compromising the quality of services provided to our constituents,” she said. “Furthermore, our commitment to increasing services to meet the diverse needs of our community remains unwavering. Whether it be in healthcare, education, public safety, or social services, we are dedicated to expanding and improving the services that directly impact the lives of our residents.”

Crocamo then discussed the pursuit of sustainable growth and development, stating that she and the county administration and government recognize the importance of exploring alternative revenue sources to support initiatives and investments.

“By diversifying our revenue streams and seeking innovative funding opportunities, we aim to secure the financial stability necessary to fuel progress and innovation in Luzerne County,” Crocamo said.

Crocamo said collaboration stands at the heart of the county’s approach to governance and community development.

“We understand that true progress is only possible through partnerships and cooperation with stakeholders, organizations, and individuals who share our vision for a brighter future,” Crocamo said. “Together, we will continue to work hand in hand to address challenges, seize opportunities, and build a stronger, more resilient Luzerne County.”

Crocamo said she is inspired by the collective spirit and dedication of our community towards realizing a brighter tomorrow.

“As we move forward, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to projects, efficient government, cost savings, increased services, alternative revenue sources, and collaboration,” she said. “Together, we will shape a future that reflects the values and aspirations of Luzerne County.”

Crocamo also urged those in attendance to contact her if they are aware of an issue that needs to be addressed.

“If there is a problem and I don’t know about it, I can’t help you,” she said.

Crocamo also said she was proud of the performance by the county’s Election Bureau during the April 2024 Primary.

“We had a very successful primary,” Crocamo said. “And I know there will be challenges ahead for the General Election in November. Our goal is to not have any questions on how we performed.”

Crocamo also urged people to volunteer as poll watchers to assure a smooth election day process.

The county manager also noted that the county’s Government Study Commission has started meeting and they will review the Home Rule Charter and they can make recommendations on possible changes.

Crocamo offered some statistics:

• The county employs 1,500 people.

• There are 308 bridges in the county and 120 miles of county roads.

• The county owns 17 buildings, some are “very old.”

• There are two airports in the county.

• The total county budget exceeds $400 million.

• County Council does not want to raise taxes.

Before the hour was up, Crocamo made a point that much of the county’s best work is in human services.

“We offer many services for people who are disenfranchised and often ignored,” Crocamo said. Our Human Service Department does amazing work every day.”

The “Public Policy Power Hour” at the THINK Center was presented by the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, Lindsay Griffin-Boylan, president/CEO. The session was moderated by Carmen Magistro of M&T Bank.

Griffin-Boylan said the goal of the program is to delve into the latest developments in public policy and engage in insightful discussions alongside fellow members and the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee.

“This event offers a unique opportunity to stay informed, share perspectives and network with professionals passionate about shaping policy,” Griffin-Boylan said.