Patrick Gavin, store manager, Gerrity’s Supermarkets; Tamara Hall, director of Maternity/Family Services, Saint Joseph’s Center; Rep. Thom Welby; Sister Maryalice Jacquinot, IHM, president and CEO, Saint Joseph’s Center; Mary Griffin, Baby and Children’s Pantry outreach coordinator, Saint Joseph’s Center; Loren Schab, maternity secretary, Saint Joseph’s Center.
                                 Submitted Photo

Rep. Welby, Gerrity’s Supermarkets partner for county diaper drive

SCRANTON — In an effort to draw attention to the diaper needs in Lackawanna County, State Rep. Thom Welby and Gerrity’s Supermarkets have joined for a diaper drive to kick off National Diaper Needs Awareness Week.

“Many people find themselves in the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to afford diapers for their young children and even adults with incontinence. It’s a serious health safety concern that must be addressed,” said Welby, D-Scranton. “I thought it was appropriate during National Diaper Needs Awareness Week to encourage folks to help others by donating boxes of diapers. Diaper Need Awareness Week, along with legislative proposals like House Bills 692 and 888, aim to expand access to diapers and ensure that all children in Pennsylvania are clean, healthy, and dry.”

Welby said his district office located in the Abington Shopping Center, 1147 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit, will accept donations from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Oct. 16. Other drop off sites include the Lackawanna County Gerrity’s locations.

Welby said the collected diapers and other baby needs will be given to the Saint Joseph’s Center, which is the regional distribution point for the diaper drive.

In 2021, the Saint Joseph’s Baby and Children’s Pantry had visits from 2,278 families in need; distributed 85,000 diapers; gave out baby food, baby cereal and formula to 620 families; and distributed over 134,000 items of baby and children’s clothes.