Linda Loop, founder and CEO of Dress for Success Luzerne County, Friday said proceeds from this weekend’s ‘Shop for a Cause’ sale will go to programs to help the agency’s clients. The three-day sale began Friday and continues through Sunday. Hours each day are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 38 West Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Loop said the sale features top brand new designer clothing and shoes.
                                 Bill O’Boyle | Times Leader

Dress for Success holding ‘Shop for a Cause’ three-day sale

WILKES-BARRE — Linda Loop, founder and CEO of Dress for Success Luzerne County, Friday said proceeds from this weekend’s “Shop for a Cause” sale will go to programs to help the agency’s clients.

The three-day Shop for a Cause sale began Friday and continues through Sunday. Hours each day are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 38 West Market St., Wilkes-Barre.

Loop said the sale features top brand new designer clothing and shoes.

“From time to time we receive very large corporate donations of clothing that is not always appropriate for our clients,” Loop said. “Our clients are going to job interviews and some of this clothing is more for evening wear, cruise-wear and cocktail parties.”

Loop said Dress for Success offers programs to address and eliminate the “frustrating obstacles” that sometimes arise during a search for employment. She said the program’s goal is to have a positive impact on clients to help them achieve economic independence.

Loop is a certified recovery specialist who has been in recovery for 38 years. She said many clients come directly from prison and need help in getting their lives back on track.

“I figure if I can do it, I can help others do the same,” Loop said.

Loop said the typical client at Dress For Success is between 25 and 30 years old. She said that for women, a lot of their appearance ties into their self-worth and self-esteem, and Dress For Success aims to provide all three to its clients, no matter their backgrounds.

And Loop said the Shop for a Cause event comes just in time for the holidays, for those who may be looking for some gift ideas.