Former Pennsylvania Gov. Mark Schweiker displays potholders at the podium made by Lizzie Breznay, near right. Breznay also presented pot holders to U.S. Sen. Bob Casey. Left to right: Cassandra Coleman, America250PA executive director, Schweiker, Jeanine Wolczyk (Brezany’s aunt), Breznay. Back: state Sen. Marty Flynn, state Rep. Jim Haddock.
                                 Tony Callaio | For Times Leader

America250PA hosts NEPA launch event

MOOSIC — America250PA held its NEPA Launch Event Friday evening at PNC Field.

Attendees included U.S. Sen, Bob Casey, former Gov. Mark Schweiker, Auditor General Timothy DeFoor, Treasurer Stacy Garrity, U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright, U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser, state Sen. Dave Argall, state Sen. Lisa Baker, state Sen. Rosemary Brown, state Sen. Marty Flynn, state Rep. Joe Adams, state Rep. Mike Cabell, state Rep. Kyle Donahue, state Rep. Jonathan Fritz, state Rep. Jim Haddock, state Rep. Aaron Kaufer, state Rep. Bridget Kosierowski, state Rep. Maureen Madden, state Rep. Kyle Mullins, state Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, state Rep. Tina Pickett, state Rep. Tarah Probst, state Rep. Alec Ryncavage, and state Rep. Dane Watro.

America250PA, was formed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly to lead planning for the commemoration in the Commonwealth.

Cassandra Coleman, executive director of AmericaPA250, is a former mayor of Exeter Borough.

More than 300 attended the launch event and Coleman said it was the largest community event held by America250PA to date.

Read more in Sunday’s edition of the Times Leader.