
Krzywicki announces candidacy for Wright Township supervisor

WRIGHT TWP. — Paul Krzywicki of Wright Township is seeking the Democratic nomination for Wright Township supervisor in the May 16 primary election.

Krzywicki, a Crestwood High School graduate and nearly a lifetime resident of Mountain Top and Wright Township, is a marketing and communications professional, serving as the executive director of marketing and communications at The Wright Centers for Community Health and Graduate Medical Education.

He also has experience in grant writing as the former senior grant writer and communications manager at the Family Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania, where he researched, wrote and applied for grants to fund designated health and human services programs for 17 counties.

The candidate has also served his community by volunteering as a Mountain Top Little League softball and Biddy Basketball league coach.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in communications from King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, and has received continuing education in crisis communications.

Krzywicki believes it is important to provide the men and women of the Wright Township police and fire departments with the proper tools to protect life and property in the community.

Fiscally responsible, the candidate also stresses the importance of applying for grants to offset the cost of important community-wide infrastructure improvements to roads, storm water runoff and the recreation park.

“Wright Township residents are fortunate to have dedicated emergency services professionals who protect our community around the clock,” Krzywicki said. “I want to work with board colleagues to ensure these departments are staffed and supplied properly.”

As a taxpayer, husband and father, Krzywicki also knows the importance of responsible spending.

“Inflation has affected every taxpayer in Wright Township,” he said. “It is the board’s responsibility to spend within its limits. I look forward to representing every township resident in a responsible and effective manner so our community thrives for every business and resident.”

If elected, Krzywicki also wants to work with the recreation committee to move forward with the master plan to modernize the Wright Township Municipal Park, a jewel of the community that oftentimes has not received routine maintenance.

Intergovernmental cooperation is also an important element of being a responsible supervisor. Krzywicki also wants to work with Fairview, Rice, and Dorrance township supervisors on regional projects, such as the Council of Governments’ compost site in the Crestwood Industrial Park.

“Intergovernmental cooperation is an opportunity to improve services to residents of Wright Township and Mountain Top while lowering costs for our taxpayers,” Krzywicki said. “Mountain Top is a community that is interconnected by close proximity so we need to explore other avenues of sharing services that benefit everyone involved.”

Krzywicki said it is also important to secure third-party studies when developing plans to spend taxpayer funds. For example, he said road paving and storm water studies will ensure the limited financial resources available to the board of supervisors will be spent properly.

“Wright Township needs to secure engineering studies to make responsible decisions for taxpayers, property owners, and all residents,” Krzywicki said. “I will avoid conflicts of interest and base my votes on sound advice received from engineering and legal experts.”

Krzywicki said Wright Township taxpayers should also have easier access to their government representatives and the resources of the office.

“I want to modernize the board of supervisors by streaming work and voting sessions so every taxpayer has an opportunity to participate in their government,” said Krzywicki, who also wants to upgrade the township’s website. “Transparency is very important for good government.”

The candidate has a Facebook page where he is encouraging Wright Township residents review his overall platform and ask questions. His Facebook page is Paul Krzywicki for Wright Township Supervisor. The link is:

Krzywicki is married to Amy Rushton Krzywicki. The couple has four daughters, Jessica, Heather, Abbey and Emily.