
Luzerne County Elections Bureau posts updated calendar

Luzerne County’s election bureau has publicly posted a new weekly tasks calendar as part of a pledge to provide “transparency and insight into” preparations for the Nov. 7 general election.

The lengthy schedule of assignments and their status of completion is available on the election page at luzernecounty.org.

“We appear to be up-to-date on getting the tasks in motion,” county Election Director Eryn Harvey told county council in an email Tuesday that forwarded the latest calendar. “Anything noted as ‘in-progress’ at this point are tasks which we are waiting on a 3rd party (shipment, data, appointments, etc.) to update as complete.”

The bureau is currently working on ballot proofing and high school poll worker recruiting, and the bureau will participate in training sessions in September, Harvey said.

Harvey and Election Deputy Director Emily Cook also reiterated some reminders to voters:

• Voters should check their registration or ballot status by going to pavoterservices.pa.gov.

• Oct. 23 is the last day to register to vote in the general election.

• The deadline to apply for mail ballots is Oct. 31.

• Voters with questions about their registration should contact the election bureau at 570-825-1715 or by emailing elections@luzernecounty.org.