Luzerne County’s outside engineer is recommending rehabilitation and partial replacement of the existing Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge over the Susquehanna River for approximately $39.6 million instead of constructing a new bridge at an estimated cost of $64 million.
“This alternative is recommended primarily due to the improved safety for the public, shorter construction duration and lower overall cost for the county,” said a preliminary engineering summary county Manager Romilda Crocamo released Monday evening.
Alfred Benesch and Associates completed the report and was retained by the county to complete an engineering study to determine the “best and most economical” option, officials have said.
With the recommended option, the county would replace the existing superstructure throughout the entire length of the bridge, replace select piers and rehabilitate/widen the remaining piers and abutments, it said.
The bridge dropped to a 15-ton limit and could be further reduced or shut down at any point if warranted based on an inspection, county Engineer Lawrence Plesh has said.
Unless other funding surfaces, county officials plan to pay for the bridge project with casino funding available for county infrastructure projects.
Based on authorizing state legislation, the county redevelopment authority entered into a borrowing agreement to create the infrastructure fund that will be repaid with $3 million provided annually for 25 years from the casino-gambling Local Share Account (LSA).
Council authorized $450,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to cover the engineering study. County officials have said final design would be completed by the end of 2024 so the project could be bid out in 2025.
According to the new summary from Benesch:
Three alternatives were investigated:
• Truss rehabilitation, which includes rehabilitation of the three truss spans to restore their original load-carrying capacities and remove the existing 15-ton weight posting and rehabilitation and superstructure replacement of 21 southern approach spans.
This would cost $47.8 million and have a construction duration of 3.1 years.
• Rehabilitation and partial replacement, which replaces the three truss spans with four conventional steel beam spans on new piers. It also would replace the superstructure on the 21 southern approach spans and widen the bridge deck.
This would cost $39.6 million and take 2.6 years to complete.
• Full replacement, which would construct a completely new bridge structure on a new alignment to the west of the existing bridge using “precast prestressed bulb-tee beams and optimized span arrangements.”
This would cost $64 million and require 3.3 years for completion.
The recommended option is $8.2 million dollars less than the next lowest alternative and can be completed six months sooner than the next fastest alternative, the Benesch summary said.
Ultimately county officials will make the final decision on how to proceed. Council and the administration are receiving a thick report intended to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the options, Benesch said.
The bridge carries Lower Broadway Street over the Susquehanna to connect Nanticoke and the West Nanticoke section of Plymouth Township. The roadway is a continuation of State Route 3001 from the south and terminates at a the intersection with Route 11 at its north end, Benesch said.
Its summary said the bridge is “considered fracture critical” and “structurally deficient,” leading to the weight limit.