Luzerne County Courthouse
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Luzerne County personnel report released

Thirteen workers were hired in Luzerne County government in January, according to the new monthly personnel report.

These employees, along with their positions and hourly compensation: Eric Swiech and Leighann Yukenavage, Aging Agency care managers, $19.83; Yokaira Concepcion, Marayin Portorreal and Rosanna Fernandez-Mercado, Children and Youth caseworker 1s, $20.60; Hailey Duncan, 911 telecommunicator, $19.23; Middy Echevarria, District Attorney’s Office clerk/typist, $15.39; Patricia Warkevicz-Guiliano, Mental Health/Developmental Services administrative assistant, $16.83; Valerie Kilburn, 911 data mapping specialist, $18.39; Janelle Colette Oshman, coroner field investigator/autopsy assistant, $16.90; Michael Parry, assistant district attorney, $36.09; Sandra Ross, budget/finance senior accountant, $26.37; and Jesse Nelms, Children and Youth clerk/typist, $14.79.


Ten workers left county employment last month, the report said.

The report cites the death of Children and Youth clerk/typist Francine Miller.

Eight workers resigned: Rhianna Brown, Children and Youth caseworker 1; Reginald Harris, Children and Youth caseworker 2; Shana Walker, prison nurse; Kezia Hanley and Ysmely Henriquez, election bureau administrative assistants; Nelsy Vasquez, deputy sheriff; Carileisy Calcano, prothonotary clerk; and Albert Keefe, Children and Youth management technician.

The departure of 911 executive administrative assistant Angela Czapla was listed as involuntary.


Seven workers changed positions through internal merit hiring.

These employees, along with their new positions and hourly compensation: James A. Alansky III, minimal offenders building corrections officer, $28.78; Bobby Cole, assessment data analyst, $22.46; Caitlyn Holland, budget/finance deputy director, $38.46; Kiaura Ruskey, District Attorney’s Office clerk 3, $16.31; Shana Messinger, part-time assistant county solicitor, $24.07; Melissa Berliner, Children and Youth caseworker supervisor, $26.03; and Suzanne Dorosky-Powell, Children and Youth caseworker supervisor, $23.33.

Bridge meeting

The public will have an opportunity to attend an online-only information session today (Monday) regarding the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge.

This session is at 1 p.m. A link with attendance instructions is posted on the main page at

Constructed in 1914, the 1,922-foot, Luzerne County-owned bridge over the Susquehanna River was last rehabilitated in 1987. It links Nanticoke and the West Nanticoke section of Plymouth Township at Route 11.

County officials are exploring options because the span was downgraded to a 15-ton weight limit in 2020 due to issues found in an inspection.

Council members learned of several options at a recent work session. Some citizens and municipal officials are pushing for replacement. Council Vice Chairman Brian Thornton has pointed out that another $9 million would have to be found if a majority chooses a new bridge. The county has access to $55 million from casino gambling revenue, and a full replacement would cost $64 million based on the engineer’s estimate.

County Manager Romilda Crocamo said Monday’s session originated with a request from the Lower South Valley Council of Governments to discuss the matter. As word spread, overtures were made on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and state and federal legislative offices to participate and outline funding possibilities, she said.

Crocamo said public access to the session was activated “to promote transparency and engage with the community.”

“The primary goal of the informational session is to foster open dialogue and gather valuable feedback from the community,” Crocamo said in the release. “By involving stakeholders from different levels of government, we aim to address any questions or concerns and ensure that the plans for the West Nanticoke/Nanticoke Bridge align with the needs and aspirations of the community.”

Council meeting

Council will hold a voting meeting followed by a work session at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the county courthouse on River Street in Wilkes-Barre, with instructions for remote attendance posted under council’s online meetings section at

As previously reported, Crocamo is presenting nominees for two open division head positions to county council for requested confirmation Tuesday: Joseph Yeager for chief public defender and Jennifer Pecora as the new operational services division overseer.

Under the county’s home rule charter, council must confirm nominees for the eight division head positions for those hirings to take effect.