Luzerne County Courthouse

18 Luzerne County government workers added in June

Luzerne County government added 18 workers in June, while 21 left county employment, according to the latest monthly human resources personnel report.

The new employees, their positions and hourly compensation: Joanna Almonte, probation services program aide, $18.68; Sydney Copp, Richard Garibay, Suzanna McClary and Anastasia Schechterly, Children and Youth caseworker 1s, $20.60; Skylar Elmy and Ashley Felix-Rondon, probation services case managers, $18.68; Heather Hudak, Children and Youth caseworker 2, $22.98; Aubrey Kennedy, prison nurse, $28.10; Nicole Kotula, prothonotary clerk 3, $15.98; Daniela Lopez, court interpreter, $30.22; Carol Rensa, Children and Youth clerk/typist, $14.79; Marie Richardson and Genesis Taveras, probation services administrative aides, $15.40; Kyle Temple, Children and Youth fiscal technician, $17.96; and Emely Valenzuela, domestic relations intake specialist, $15.40.

Two past employees also were rehired: Jacquelyn Bonitatis Dennis, Children and Youth program specialist, $24.27, and Alberto Gutierrez, deputy sheriff, $15.93.


Seven workers retired in June, according to the report: Children and Youth clerk/typists Jean Collins and Deborah Rodzinak; Aging Agency senior center operator Sharon Evans; district attorney’s office senior adult victim witness coordinator Jill O’Brien; human services financial analyst Maria Pavlick; veteran affairs director James Spagnola; and Children and Youth fiscal technician Patricia Conklin.

Twelve employees resigned: planning/zoning analyst Priscilla Cuevas; 911 telecommunicators Kaitlyn Elgin, Geoffry Robbins and Destiny Spare; assistant public defender James Elliott; deputy sheriffs Donald Fugate and Yancy Valdez; Aging Agency administrative officer William Hooper; corrections officer Hyland Muckle; Children and Youth caseworker 2s Colby Santillo and Ivy Vasquez; and Children and Youth caseworker 1 Rosanna Fernandez-Mercado.

Two workers were terminated, the report said: 911 telecommunicator Deborah DeJesus and prison corrections officer Joseph Klemunes.

Position changes

Worker Lisa Lewis transferred to a new position — prison lieutenant, at $30.29 per hour.

Four others changed positions through the internal merit hires, the report said. These workers, their new positions and hourly compensation: Emily Cook, election director, $33.08; Daniel Marsh, deputy district attorney, $45.13; Kevin Clocker, veteran affairs director, $30.51; and Nicole Klapat, Mental Health/Developmental Services administrative assistant, $23.56.

This week’s meetings

Several county government meetings are scheduled this week:

• Council’s Act 13 Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday (July 15) in the county courthouse on River Street in Wilkes-Barre.

This committee reviews the use of county natural-gas recreation funding.

A link to attend virtually will be posted under council’s online public meetings section at

• The county election board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday (July 17) in the courthouse.

The virtual attendance link will be posted under council’s authorities/boards/commissions online meetings section at

• The county’s Government Study Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday (July 18) in the courthouse, with instructions for remote attendance posted under council’s online meeting link at

Authorized by county April 23 primary election voters, the commission must examine the county’s home rule structure and, if warranted, recommend changes. Voters must ultimately approve any commission proposal for it to take effect.

Town hall

County Manager Romilda Crocamo will hold a public town hall meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday (July 17) at the Back Mountain Regional EMS Facility, 3593 Route 118, Dallas.

Crocamo has been holding the sessions in different county regions to provide residents with a way to obtain information about current and future county projects and present suggestions and feedback.


Council voted last week to ratify a contract for Tasers in the county prison system largely needed for correctional officers overseeing inmates receiving treatment at hospitals. The agreement covers Tasers, related supplies and warranties for five years, starting in 2023, and collectively totals $74,600.

Bridge murals

Council also granted Jacob O’Connell’s request to paint murals on the walkway of the county-owned Shickshinny/Mocanaqua Bridge. Funded through private donations, the murals will recreate Edward Steber’s photographs of the region for public enjoyment and to honor his memory. Steber died in January at 79.