WILKES-BARRE — A few years ago, there was a poignant program at the VA Medical Center, the place where heroes walk the halls.
Most of the veterans in attendance were in wheelchairs and they were wearing battle scars — evidence of injuries suffered in the performance of their duty to their country.
They all fought for our freedom and would do it all over again if given the opportunity.
And when the national anthem was sung, they saluted and sang along.
No one in this room took a knee.
This group of brave, courageous veterans was representative of all veterans — there are 820,000 in Pennsylvania alone. Each one of them raised their right hand and took the oath and they served without hesitation. And most were young and fresh out of high school.
As I looked around at these heroes, I wondered if they were every scared as they faced the enemy in battle. I’m sure they were from time to time. But as one of the speakers that day said, they were able to contain their fear and transfer it into courage.
Throughout history, brave men and women have willingly gone into battle to defeat the enemy and in so doing, they have collectively preserved our freedom. It sounds like a simple equation, but as another speaker said, “Freedom is never free.”
Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, but really veterans should honored, respected and thanked every day. We should thank a veteran every time we meet one. It’s the least we can do.
Ceremonies like the one at the VA and like today’s Veterans Day Parade are stark reminders of what veterans have done for us. So many left their homes and families and went off to war, never to return. Many more returned without an arm or leg, or with injuries not visible to the naked eye.
And they returned with those scars of battle to pick up the pieces, go to work, raise a family and make their part of America strong again.
And when our military wasn’t charged with fighting a war, troops were deployed around the world keeping the peace and assuring we back home remained safe — and free.
The point is, our military, our veterans, have always been there for us and they always will be. We can sleep comfortably at night because we know our military is on watch. They have our backs. They are our guardians.
Our gratitude should be shown easily — “Thanks for your service.” That’s all they ask.
My friend, the late Jim Walsh, fought in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. Jim once attended another Veterans Day ceremony at the Wyoming Valley West Middle School.
When I asked Jim what these ceremonies mean to him and all veterans, his answer was simple — “Remembrance,” he said.
When he said that, I thought, “Wow, what a bargain.”
For all his service, for all the service given by our veterans, all they ask in return is to be thanked and for us to remember what they and all who came before them have done for every one of us.
And I thought of my father, who gave his right leg in service to his country. I thought of how many times my dad took me to Veterans Day ceremonies and Memorial Day ceremonies and to July 4th ceremonies, always telling me that if it weren’t for veterans, we wouldn’t have anything.
So when I sat in the recreation room at the VA Medical Center a few years ago, I couldn’t take my eyes off those veterans in the first few rows — in wheelchairs, wearing hats that defined what branch they served in or on what ship or what organization they supported.
At first glance, one might see these men and women and feel sorry for them — but not so fast. These veterans may be old, they may be have a disability, they may appear to be broken in some way — but they aren’t.
These veterans exemplify the strength of America.
They are the examples of what fighting for freedom is all about.
And because of their bravery, their determination and their love of country, we live in a country where freedom rings every day.
I thanked every veteran there for their service. I made sure to let them know that this son of a proud American veteran sincerely appreciates all they have done to preserve our freedom.
Yes, Veterans Day is every day and every day that we live in this free country has been made possible by those who served.
Those who went to battle did so willingly because they knew they had to do all they could to keep us free.
They went to battle on land and sea and in the air.
They never once questioned why they were there.
Remembering them really is the least we can do and we should do it every day.
God bless all veterans, and God bless the United States of America.